Monday, February 27, 2006

Another Entry for the Blookreader Award

Here's the entry from Cliffdweller. "The Circle of Ceridwen" by Octavia Randolph can be found here. Remember the closing date for entries to the competition is 31st March.

Cliffdweller's entry:

Meticulously researched, lovingly composed, "The Circle Of Ceridwen" breathes life into those who have long turned to dust--9th century Anglo-Saxons. Forgotten warriors, kings & maidens stand & walk across the page--they tell you of their hopes & fears & you ride with them through peril & victory. You hear the rustling of a maiden's gown as she opens a chamber door, trembling. You hear the ring of iron sword smashing into iron helmet.

This tells the story of Ceridwen, a pagan by birth, a Christian by circumstance, as she steps into a world wracked by war & dread & she discovers the only true strength: the strength within oneself. She steps gingerly at first, then boldly, then she runs headlong into the most daunting adversity, only to find the deepest joy imaginable--lasting love & respect. Ceridwen is gifted in letters, she is perceptive, she is intelligent, she is compassionate. These gifts bring her rewards beyond her wildest imaginings.

As will this story to the reader. This book is a gem, a prayer stone, a banner waving in the Britannic sunshine. Come see what people did in the First Millennium. Are we really so different?

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